Monday, January 25, 2010

It's a conspiracy!!!

It is just so frustrating that you come to lab early morning (esp. with the thought that today feels like a bright new beginning) and find that the internet is not working!! and that too only on your shuffle the connections, check if the proxies are if everyone else's is working and re-re-check everything on your pc/connections.....finally you decide that it's time for the computer center guy to come and have a look. What is most embarrassing is that all he has to do it touch your comp and lo!! the internet is working!!! What were you thinking!!
Three days ago me and a colleague of mine were working late into the night. At about 2am when we were done, we simply couldn't find the keys to lock the lab......2 pairs of eyes are better than one..I'd heard.....but all to no avail. We looked everywhere, even at the most unlikely positions....and finally had to leave the lab open. Next morning the keys were miraculously restored (not just in some shady nook and corner) at their designated position....and we got looks of "how could you have possibly missed them!!!" At least in this case I had a witness that we really did search "everywhere"!
It's all a conspiracy I tell you!!!

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